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Bad Teacher

Though the film doesn’t sizzle, it’s still consistently funny. That’s really all a comedy needs to be, and this works.

Story about after bein’ dumped by her rich boyfriend, Cameron Diaz decides the best way to get ahead is to get breast implants, n tries to court substitute teacher n rich kid Justin Timberlake (hohohoo~~seriously not handsome in this movie), even though Gym teacher is not very subtle about wanting to hook up. She often sleeps her way through classes, which annoys her rival Amy Squirrel (her look not fawn), but even more annoying is when she finds out that she can win money for having high test scores. And since Amy starts dating Scott, their rivalry must come to a head. (can’t believe this Amy dating w/ Justin. )

Captain America: The First Avenger is a movie that delivers everything you expect from such a film, but it’s lacking in surprises and a sympathetic character. The action is unrealistic, to be sure, but it’s done well enough that it looks cool and exciting, rather than laughable.


Captain America: The First Avenger, however, is something completely different, as it’s not only a superhero movie, but also a war film and a period piece.  Steve Rogers is a spirited but scrawny boy who wants nothing more than to join the war effort. He gets his chance when he’s selected for an experimental procedure that turns him into the supersoldier Captain America. Captain America must lead a team of regular soldiers in a mission to stop Schmidt from taking over the world.





上兩星期看到探子回報介紹BIOTHERM SKIN‧ERGETIC活肌醒膚精華, 想也沒有想做立刻登記了。好極了,多謝OL網抽中我,再次做探子!

什麼身心疲憊,殘樣,乾膚,暗啞,全中了!就是我啦! 可能是工作罷,每天朝九晚九,有時放工跟朋友happy hour ,他們一看到我,都說我殘了很多,真傷心。



今次坐的是夜機,一放工回家便立刻落妝,整理後便到機場。上到飛機打開手袋才發現忘了帶mask, 氣死了! 一到酒店,流澡後臉子乾得要死,啪上toner後, 我便立刻拿出Biotherm skin-ergetic, 把小樽的西蘭花成分“啪”入精華液,搖勻後吸了上手,聞上去很香,想不到是什麼味道,但是給我一種清香的感覺。把精華液塗上臉,有一股涼冰冰的感覺,很易推開,很清爽。不知道是不是我皮膚太乾,皮膚很快便吸收。過了一會,用手摸摸,很爽,仲滑滑地,讚呀!

這幾天在新加坡,天氣都熱,我都沒有化太重的妝出外。上妝前塗日霜前塗上精華液,起初有點怕會不會很油,想不到一整天在外邊,到5,6點點酒店,一點油光都沒有。幾晚睡前都塗上Biotherm活肌精華,真的很想讚,雖然幾晚都沒有敷mask, 每晚都在酒店房冷氣下睡覺,早上起床時,仍覺乾爽,滑滑的(不是油光)!



(same article as 探子回報)


Wella SP 這個Product,第一次聽應該都是到Salon染髮時聽過吧!
今次都是第一次試用她的SP 洗頭水及護髮素,不知成效如何呢?
一向到salon剪髮時都有聽 Stylist介紹過SP,只是怕給了百幾元帶了回家又放在一邊。
今次,我試的是SP Smoothen這個系列。




第一天,試用完SP Smoothen後,頭髮摸上去都順了很多,不用梳子看上去都貼服了。




Stylist剛巧給我介紹SP這個product, 我便跟他說我正在試用這個洗髮水和護髮素。

SP這個名, 我一直都好想知道為什麼叫SP?
哈哈,原來是 System professional (可是我也不知道由來),
看到website介紹這個產品, 原來還有hair mask的!! 我立即叫stylist幫我來個免費啦!

呵呵~他用了SP幫我洗頭,還送了我一個Smoothen的hair Mask再加上一支細細支叫infusion的treatment,
真的要讚! 他說,用了這個系列,得閒再加hair mask, 我的頭髮可以keep著順貼。〔大愛〕




(same article as 探子回報)






講到廣告,現今已經唔係一條普普通通既gif banner就可以吸引人去留意,再去click。

依家banner要玩下花款,有唔理三7廿一爆左出黎,等你睇唔到內文既crazy ad, 有你一路睇內文,死都跟住你又隔住你cascading LREC…


不過依家好多客都鐘意soft selling D ~就做D advertorial,等你睇既文既不知不覺就睇左佢既product…

再最近多D 就係搵blogger/ 讀者試用完,寫用後感。

本人最近都試左,唔錯,唔係hard sell自己公司,不過試完再share 比其他人知係幾開心的。

明報最近就launch左個“探子回報” , 個名幾OK~

今日剛出既hair product試用,今日第一日已吸引到好多登記使探子。



比我賣多少少廣告,下次想搵酒店,可以上去 MP Travel , 某某公司tie in左係度,比你搵酒店.








*like* 5 music videos


My honey ~ Jay Sean!! Where do we go

Another song of Jay Sean!!! ft Birdman!! Like this Like that 🙂

OKOK~~ DJ Earworm~ PArty on the FLoor~ Wat a great MIX!!

Bad Meets Evil – Fast Lane ft. Eminem, Royce Da 5’9!! NICE vid and typography

OK~ last one!! Lady GAGA!! You And I + Sneak peak Amerciano LIVE!!

The Hangover 2

The hangover Part 2, it’s more a remake than a sequel.

How can the same thing happen to the same guys twice?

(What can be done to to improve the Hangover Part 3?)

This time, story is about Stu, 2 days b4 his wedding, they had late nite toast on the beach, on the other day morn, Alan, Phil and Stu found tat they r in a sleazy Bangkok hotel. and Stu’s furture bro-in-law Teffy missing.
Alan’s head shaved and Stu got a tattoo on his face.  hhoohoo~ and Mr. Chow is back again!!

Almost evry situation in Hangover 2 has a mirror in the original movie. wake up in the hotel room, have a drink only to have the original trio wake up in a seedy hotel room with no recollection of the night’s events, new damages to their appearance (part 2: Alan’s head shaved and Stu got a tattoo on his fae), new animal (part 2: an adorable monkey), and people gone missing (part2: Teddy).  ok… repeating….
Tis movie is funny and made me keep laughin’, its only a steady stream of jokes that work well enoug… bt seriously is simply in repeatin’ almost every tricks….doesn’t radically alter on the first film.

btw, i like the monkey, hahha ~ (Gigi)

just read a news abt this monkey : The Hangover 2 monkey now ‘addicted to cigarettes’ following filming, admits director